Amended Order Regarding Warrants Including Child Support Warrants (04/02/2020), Temporary Emergency Procedures for Dane County Family Court (03/25/2020), Documents requiring the signature of a court official must include a blank 3" top margin on page 1 and a blank 1/2" top margin on all subsequent pages. 54 and 55. To request that the court seal or redact specific documents or information in the court record. Statement of Acts of proposed guardian and consent of guardian to serve in adult guardianships. Please have your case number or citation number ready. This list is not all inclusive. Order on Motion to Seal or Redact a Transcript. Self representation. Letters of Temporary Guardianship (Minor Guardianship of the Estate). The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and provides a forum for the resolution of disputes that is fair, accessible, independent and effective. To provide confidential information to the court that the party is requesting to be sealed or redacted in the court record. Other languages. The same will hold true for non-eFilers who submit filings via fax. Court software will place the court official's electronic signature in the heftier margin on the first page, along with the filed stamp and a header containing the case number, document number, filed date, and pagination. Civil. A sworn statement indicating the names and addresses to which various documents were served by personal service, mail, certified mail, or facsimile transmission. For an individual to pledge their assets as surety. For the guardian ad litem to report to the court the results of the interviews with the minor, proposed guardian and provide recommendations. Order on Petition to Extend Temporary Guardianship (Minor Guardianship of the Estate). Stats., for a child who is subject to the jurisdiction of the court. Notary is required. You may use a Dane County form (some of which may be mandatory forms) listed under one of the following headings. Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem or Attorney. To give notice for guardianship or protective placement or services hearing and order filing of a plan for home or community based care or comprehensive evaluation. Letters of Temporary Guardianship of the Estate. Small claims. English, Supreme Court/state administrative offices. Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs) take approximately 30 minutes to process. File a Commercial Docket Pilot Project case? Waiver and Consent to Petition for Guardianship (Minor Guardianship of the Estate). Signature Bond (Minor and Adult Guardianship). Letters of Temporary Guardianship of the Person. Note also that the effective dates of the orders may be modified depending upon the evolving circumstances regarding the spread of the virus. Welcome to the Clerk of Courts Website. Waiver and Consent to Petition for Guardianship Due to Incompetency. Authorize temporary guardian of estate for a minor ward. Order on Motion to Reopen Traffic Forfeiture. New rotation orders go into effect August 1st of odd-numbered years. Form signed by an adult consenting to the adoption. Statement of Acts by Proposed Guardian and Consent to Serve (Minor Guardianship of the Estate). CCAP form. More information can be found, You are required to file copies of documents instead of originals. Confidential Disclosure of Information to be Sealed or Redacted. Consent to serve as a temporary guardian. This new policy prevents original documents from being shredded after scanning into our electronic record keeping system. Petition to Extend Temporary Guardianship (Minor Guardianship of the Estate). The header will be applied to the top 1/2" of all pages of documents filed with the courts, whether or not a court official signature is necessary. * Use the check boxes (or the buttons below to mark all files, all PDF files or all MS Word files) to download a zip file that you can save to the path you specify. Use the drop down menus at the top or the quick links below to navigate the site. To obtain court approval for a delegation of powers under 48.979, Wis. Certificate of Service on Individual (Guardianship, Protective Placements or Protective Services. * Use the check boxes (or the buttons below to mark all files, all PDF files or all MS Word files) to download a zip file that you can save to the path you specify. Petition to the court requesting the court approve an adoption of an adult. To order appointment of either a guardian ad litem or counsel for an individual. Letters of Guardianship of the Estate Due to Incompetency. To appoint a successor guardian without a hearing. A list of court employees is also available on our contact us page. Effective Wednesday, February 26th, 2020 weapon screeners will no longer hold on to prohibited items brought in the courthouse. A sworn statement indicating the names and addresses to which various documents were served by personal service, mail, certified mail or fax. Judges participate in a rotation plan with regard to case assignment. Order and Notice of Hearing Petition for Guardianship (Minor Guardianship of the Estate). Order on Petition for Appointment of Conservator, Resignation of Guardian (Minor Guardianship of the Estate), Petition for Appointment of Successor Guardian (Without Hearing). To petition for an appointment of a conservator of an estate. To identify confidential records when they are filed. Order an extension of a temporary guardianship. To petition the court for half-priced Ignition Interlock Device. Determination and Order on Petition for Guardianship Due to Incompetency. Search. An example of a prohibited item in the courthouse is any of the following: Guns, knives, ammunition, facsimile weapons, explosives, Taser, martial arts weapons, baton, pepper spray, brass knuckles, needle-nose pliers, screw drivers, drill bits, wrenches, construction nails, box cutter, nail punch, chisel, putty knife, hammer, bike tools, sharp kitchen utensils, skateboard, bicycle, metal darts, scissors, drugs (other than your prescription), and alcohol. The eFiling system will permit filings received by 11:59 pm on a particular business day to be stamped as filed on that day. (Internet Explorer Users, if the document does not appear, please Refresh [Press F5] after document loads in the tab. Monday through Friday, 7:45 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Clerk of the Supreme Court & Court of Appeals, Office of Lawyer Regulation Board of Administrative Oversight, Office of Lawyer Regulation District Committees, Office of Lawyer Regulation Procedure Review Committee, Consolidated Court Automation Programs Steering Committee, Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA) Oversight Committee, Wisconsin Court Records Management Committee, Wisconsin Commission on Children, Families and the Courts, Wisconsin Judicial Committee on Child Welfare, The Committee to Improve Interpreting and Translation in the Wisconsin Courts, Supreme Court Appointment Selection Committee, Search for opinions & dispositional orders, Form
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