This is not the new Daft Punk album. Daft Punk's score plays a vital role in making this poorly scripted mega movie seem bigger and more important than it actually is. Theoretically, by teaming up with Disney and the most high-tech cameras and surround-sound systems and recording facilities known to man, the two could could dive bomb into the minds of millions of people in one immense opening weekend and stay consistent with their man vs. machine ideology-- all without leaving the comfort of their own homes. 2.5 Fall [5m30 Flynn Drops In – Film Version] (1:24) 2.10 Enjoy the Drink [6m33c Clu Sees Zuse] (1:38) 24. Almost all of the post-Han Solo humor that buoyed the original Tron is replaced by a thunderous seriousness (and blue-black color scheme) more akin to The Dark Knight. Credited Songs Official Soundtrack Trailer Music Comments (0) Complete List of Songs. 1.7 The Arcade [2m5 Sam Visits Arcade] (0:55) When I watched it in IMAX 3D it was easy to revert back to my younger self and just gawk at the exquisite whiz-bang of it all. 4. 13. 12. 5. Daft Punk aren't the same two guys who made Homework and Discovery. 13. 4.12 2m6as Tron Scherzo (0:06) 13. 9. Solar Sailer (Alternate) [Sea of Simulation – R (2:44) 10. 7. 1.22 Adagio For TRON [4m21 Flynn’s Flashback – Album Version] (4:11) 2.8 Father and Son II [5m31 Solar Sailer Intro 6m33a Flynn’s Pr (2:30) 1.21 Your Move, Flynn [3m20a Clu Waits] (0:40) The soundtrack, which debuted at No. 1.11 Arena [2m11 Disc Game Intro – Album Version] (1:37) That said, it's pretty fucking dark. 18. 21. 24. When they pull off the combo-- as on the blistering "The Game Has Changed"-- it's thrilling even without an IMAX screen hijacking your senses. 25. 22. 21. 2.14 Rare Bird [6m37 Clu Prepares 6m38 Quorra Meets Clu – Film (2:56) 2.12 New Course [6m35 Rectifier Arrival] (1:49) [7m41 Lightjets – Film Version] (4:41) 20. 4.6 TRON Legacy (End Titles) [10m51 Legacy Theme – Album Versio (3:19) 4.16 Arcade Retro [Film Version] (1:28), TRON Legacy: MetroTokyo Edition Soundtrack Complete By Daft Punk, Your email address will not be published. 11. II [5m24 Sam Seeks Zuse – RS Album Version] (2:58), CD2 12. Pitchfork is the most trusted voice in music. 10. 9. 18. 23. 4.5 7m46 First Sunrise [RS Version] (1:30) Most of the soundtrack's 22 pieces don't last more than three minutes; only a few could be considered actual songs. 5. Tron: Legacy is rated PG and aimed at igniting the imaginations of 10-year-old boys. 19. 21. 17. 18. 19. 3.15 5m30 Flynn Drops In [Fall – RS Version] (1:24) And the music follows suit with endless crescendos of pounding timpani drums and monolithic strings. 4. Since their last proper LP, 2005's Human After All, the pair staged the greatest dance music tour of all time-- one that blasted its audience with enough visual stimuli to leave them blinking stars for hours. It's a score for a Disney franchise film. 11. And Discovery's accompanying animated movie, Interstella 5555, was a bright and fun technicolor cartoon. 2. Most of the robot doomsaying can't compare with their ebullient side; their apocalyptic visions are hardly Philip K. Dick-worthy, and they're oftentimes a huge bummer to boot. 3.4 Recognizer [2m8 Recognizer Capture – Album Version] (2:41) 1.24 Flynn’s Dream [5m23 Quorra Decides – Film Version] (2:17) 11. 3. 3.10 5m26s Final Scheme Intro (0:17) Watching the movie, I couldn't help but think that this was Daft Punk's attempt at topping their legendary pyramid tour. 17. 6. 4.15 2m7s Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) (3:38) 16. Released by Walt Disney Records in 2010 (D000567202) containing music from Tron: Legacy (2010). And while the classical arrangements mark a new style for Daft Punk, it's hardly revelatory in the sphere of movie scores at large. Most of the movie takes place in a virtual world that doesn't know sunlight-- it's like a futuristic version of Tolkien's Mordor. 6. 7. 4.8 Finale [10m48 Long End Credits – Album Version] (4:24) Download TRON Legacy: MetroTokyo Edition Soundtrack Complete By Daft Punk, CD1 8. 12. 3.2 1m1a Legacy Open [The Grid – RS Version] (1:40) 2.13 Rinzler II [6m36 Quorra Caught] (1:35) But their mechanized fantasies have gotten continually darker since then-- consider the much more sinister robo effects on Human After All's "The Brainwasher" and "Television Rules the Nation". Tron: Legacy. 4.12 2m6as Tron Scherzo (0:06) 3.9 End of Line [5m25s End of Line – Album Version] (2:36) 4.13 2m6bs Tron Scherzo (Unused) (0:06) 14. 1.19 Outlands [3m19 Quorra Saves Sam – Album Version] (2:45) 3.5 Rinzler [2m14 Rinzler vs Sam – Album Version] (2:18) 22. More often than not, each piece is either mostly synth-based (including filter-house also-rans "Derezzed" and "Tron Legacy (End Titles)") or symphonic ("Nocturne", "Outlands"). Daft Punk haven't even attempted a can't-miss song in at least five years, and the Tron: Legacy soundtrack keeps that unfortunate streak alive. 1.23 Nocturne [4m22 Sam Plans Escape – Album Version] (1:42) 2. 1.25 Outlands, Pt. 2.6 Sea of Simulation [5m32b Solar Sailer Alt – Film Version] (2:43) 2.3 Castor [5m26s Final Scheme Alt] (2:06) 1. The score keeps another trend going, too. 2.24 Solar Sailer [5m32a Solar Sailer – Film Version] (2:44) 4.14 2m6s Separate Ways (5:24) 15. 14. 9. Daft Punk used to be a couple of guys hellbent on making genius dance music who happened to wear goofy robot helmets. 1.1 The Grid [1m1a Legacy Open – Film Version] (1:38) Daft Punk Tron Legacy - Motion Picture Soundtrack UMC Released: 26th September 2020 1.9 Not the Games [2m9 Sam Descends to Grid] (1:24) 15. 10. 4.2 Disc Wars [6m40 Recovering the Disc – Album Version] (4:11) 8. 19. 16. 2.7 The Boy and Flynn are Gone [5m32d Clu Arrives Alt – Film Ve (0:30) 0:01. This is not the new Daft Punk album. 3.14 Derezzed [5m29s Party Crashers – Album Version] (1:44) 1. 5. 1.6 ENCOM Part II [1m4b Encom Tower Part 2 – Album Version] (2:17) 4. 11. 1.20 Father and Son [3m20 Safehouse Reunion – Film Version] (3:54) 2.9 Footprints [6m33b Tron Tracks Flynn – Film Version] (0:34) 4.4 7m45alt2 Flynn Lives [Alan Bradley’s Message – RS Alt] (1:55) 3.19 5m32c Clu Arrives (Unused) [The Boy and Flynn are Gone – R (0:38) Daft Punk – TRON: Legacy (Vinyl Edition Motion Picture Soundtrack) Label: Walt Disney Records – D003647301, Walt Disney Records – 00050087469870, Walt Disney Records – 8746987 4.3 C.L.U. 3.23 6m34 Sunrise Prelude [RS Album Version] (2:55) 8. 16. 25. 10. 14. 20. Tron: Legacy soundtrack from 2010, composed by Daft Punk. 2.25 Finale [10m48 Short End Credits – Film Version] (2:19), CD3 24. 6. 7. It's a score for a Disney franchise film that cost an estimated $200 million to make. 3.3 The Grid [1m1a Legacy Open – Album Version] (1:36) 15. 2.20 Flynn Lives [7m44 Portal Climax] (3:26) 3.20 5m31 Solar Sailer Intro [RS Version] (1:30) 16. 16. Along the way, though, their priorities seem to have changed. 2.23 TRON Legacy (End Titles) [10m51 Legacy Theme – Film Versio (2:38) 1.17 Challenge of the Grid [3m17 Clu Crowd Intro] (1:14) 1.3 Missing [1m2 News Report] (1:42) [7m41 Lightjets – Album Version] (4:41) 3.21 6m33a Flynn’s Promise [RS Version] (1:57) The score keeps another trend going, too. 2.2 Reflections [5m27 Clu Breaks In – Film Version] (2:37) Tron: Legacy has flashes of that sort of brilliance, but it's downright puny compared to the sheer joy that is "One More Time" or "Around the World". 2. 12. 1.18 The Game Has Changed [3m18 Lightbikes Battle] (3:27) 14. 14. 13. And while we knew this was going to be a score since it was first reported nearly two years ago, it's tough to shake the gloom of blown expectations while listening to the same ominous theme as it repeats in slightly mutated forms across the hour-long soundtrack. 4.7 Solar Sailer [5m32a Solar Sailer – Album Version] (2:44) As such, there are lots of classical-inspired strings and horns played by an 85-strong orchestra. After Flynn disappears. 3.1 Overture [Album Version] (2:28)
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