The court fee is based on the amount you’re claiming, plus interest.

Fees are set partly by how often you file a claim.

Pour avoir une meilleure expérience, vous devez : You are using an outdated browser that is no longer supported by your Visa, Mastercard, or Interac debit card, if filing fees apply; your court file number ready, if you are filing documents for an existing case; Cost. About Court fees including exemptions, deferral & refunds, Under Federal Court Rules 2011, Schedule 3, Pre-judgment & post-judgment interest rates. For all other applications you may be eligible for an exemption of fees. Filing and other fees prescribed in Schedule 1 – Part 1 Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court Regulation 2012.

Obtain proof of divorce. The Credit card payment form is available on the forms page. To calculate 5% of the value of the claim, take the amount you’re claiming and multiply it by 0.05. For the latest COVID-19 news, updates and advice from the Australian Government, visit, Follow us on Twitter Select a state registry to view the current court list: Select a state registry to view the current court list. Contact Us Electronic filing, available in English and French, allows a party or the party's legal representative to file documents electronically with the Federal Court via a secure, Internet-based system, in all areas of the Court's jurisdiction.

The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia do not set the fees payable in the courts.

All other fees are payable at the time you file the document, or request an administrative service and must be paid by the methods outlined above. For items 112, 113, 121A and 127, publicly listed companies pay the highest rate of fees, corporations and public authorities both pay the middle rate and all others pay the lowest rate. Plain language translation tool of the most common terminology used in family law $20. How do I register and manage my law firm on the Portal?

Accéder aux paramètres de votre navigateur.

Purchase Documents Online - each document: $10.00: none: View and Print Electronic Documents - per file: $6.00: none: E-Filing - per package submitted for filing: $7.00: none: Statutory filing fees for court documents (Appendix C, Schedule 1 of the Supreme Court Rules) varied: none Proof of Divorce. Web-based services for clients to access information about cases before the courts.

En savoir plus sur les navigateurs que nous supportons. Before you file – pre-action procedure for financial cases, Before you file – pre-action procedure for parenting cases, Children and international travel after family separation, Going to Court – tips for your court hearing, Guidelines for family law fee exemption, reduction and refund, Exemption from paying court fees in General Federal Law matters, Guidelines for family law fee exemption, reduction, deferral and refund, Exemption From Paying Court Fees in General Federal law matters, Legal Costs in General Federal Law Matters, Making payments to the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court, List of approved legal aid schemes and services, Jurisdiction of the Federal Circuit Court, About going to court and court processes in Family Law Matters. $20. Feedback, Canadian Bar Association Liaison Committee, Indigenous Bar Association - Aboriginal Law Bar Liaison Committee, Citizenship, Immigration and refugee Law Bar Liaison Committee, Intellectual Property Law Bar Liaison Committee, Labour Law, Human Rights, Pension Benefits, Privacy and Access review, Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada), Certified Questions (Immigration/Citizenship), Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection Legislation, How to file an Application for Judicial Review, How to file an Application for Leave and for Judicial review (Citizenship), How to file an Application for Leave and for Judicial review (Immigration), Application for Leave and for Judicial review (Immigration), Application for Leave and for Judicial review (Citizenship), Application for leave and judicial review – Immigration, Application for leave and judicial review – Citizenship, Court files subject to destruction – request for extension or for copies of documents.

Les navigateurs désuets ne disposent pas de caractéristiques sécuritaires permettant d’assurer la sécurité de vos renseignements. 5.

Action under s. 48 of the Federal Courts Act, Simplified Action or Appeal proceeding by way of Action, Statement of defence and counterclaim adding a party, Third (or subsequent) party claim adding a party, Motion to fix time/place of the hearing of a reference (rule 155), Subpoena - or writ of execution in respect of a judgment, Requisition for a hearing date in the trial Division, Motion for an extension of time to commence a proceeding, Motion for leave to commence a proceeding, Caveat warrant, caveat release or caveat payment, Order of tribunal under rule 424 (in the case of a party other than the Crown), | * Initiating applications that seek interim AND final orders also attract the interim order fee. 3. Motion for leave to commence a proceeding. How do I register and manage my law firm on the Portal? Book a meeting with registry staff.

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