Still, Levin emphasizes that detaining or committing a child for non-criminal behavior remains a fairly common occurrence, one more likely to affect children who are already in vulnerable situations. [5] By raising the age, it is anticipated that recidivism will be reduced and the quality of life will be increased for those who would have become re-offenders. The email address cannot be subscribed. But what I would say is this was a compromise bill that reflects all the stakeholders that are involved in the criminal justice system in the state of North Carolina.”[11], Despite working out all the kinks in the draft legislation that year, the only officials still opposed to the change beyond its technical limitations were criminal justice officials like Western North Carolina District Attorney Ashley Welch. But in 2010, about 76,000 young people were adjudicated (found guilty) of status offenses, and 8 percent of them were placed in a residential facility. Caldwell argues that advocates are not addressing a major concern in which he states, "if its a kid that's done something wrong - as we all have - some worse than others, for the first time, then how do you deal with the child as opposed to the one that you've dealt with 100 times before?" The idea behind having a separate juvenile justice system for minors who commit crimes is that they're young and have a better chance at straightening out their lives than do adults. "[1] The controversy surrounding raising the age of juvenile jurisdiction has been contested for years. “The message it sends is that, at least from a prosecutor’s standpoint, that you don’t trust prosecutors to make the right decision," Welch said. There’s always been this provision that we can transfer juveniles to adult court. Search, age group covered by the juvenile justice system, trying children in this age group as adults, Expungement Handbook - Procedures and Law, The Juvenile Justice System: Introduction. [2] Eddie Caldwell provides a valid defense against the proposed legislation and proves to be the leading contestant against House Bill 632. "[1] According to the Campaign for Youth Justice, "empirical research has demonstrated that violent adolescent offenders prosecuted in adult criminal court are likely to re-offend more quickly and more often than those adjudicated in a juvenile court setting." Various advocacy groups are in favor of the proposed legislation and see the answer to a more productive society as one which conceals the criminal record of a minor through the age at which an individual is charged in adult court. Raising the age of juvenile jurisdiction in the state of North Carolina has been an ongoing issue in the North Carolina General Assembly. 13- to 17-year-olds who commit F-I felony - juvenile system with option for transfer hearing to adult court. Criminal defendants who haven't quite reached the age of majority (18 in most states) go through a different criminal justice system than the one most people are familiar with. [11], “The big difference between this bill and past bills is that that work was done," Lassiter said. Antagonizing the officials involved is a virtual guarantee that charges will be filed. The minor's past record or past problems; Whether the parents seem capable of controlling the minor; and. A cost-benefit analysis done by the Vera Institute of Justice determined that initial costs would be high, but in the long run, raising the age would save money because offenders would be more productive in society. Questions About the Juvenile Justice System? I tried to do that one time, and it’s in the discretion of the court and it was denied.”[11]. That’s a dramatic reduction from the way things were a few years ago, but according to the authors of the report, it’s still way too many kids. According the report’s data analysis, about 10,000 children in the United States are currently confined over the course of a year just for status offenses. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. [13] He also states, "Currently we allow that age group to decide whether or not they want to drop out of school, and that decision is no less important to the future of that child, and no less critical to their success than whether or not they commit a crime. Truancy, running away from home, and ‘incorrigibility’ can lead to kids getting locked up.
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