The origin and denomination of the missions changed frequently, but the Presbyterians, Baptists, and Roman Catholics have been the most prominent. Other powerful influences entered from the southern coastal region. The town is located on the banks of the Wouri River in the Littoral Region. Eventually the Fulani, frustrated under non-Muslim rule and encouraged by the teachings of the mystic Usman dan Fodio, revolted. The largest ethnic communities living in the country are the Cameroon Highlanders, Equatorial Bantu, Kirdi, Fulani, Northwestern Bantu, and the Eastern Nigritic peoples. Cameroon beame a League of Nations Mandate Territory and was split between French Cameroons and British Cameroons in 1919, after the defeat of Germany in the World War II. Labels: Christian missionaries also began to play a role in the region. Cameroon - Cameroon - History: From archaeological evidence it is known that humans have inhabited Cameroon for at least 50,000 years, and there is strong evidence of the existence of important kingdoms and states in more recent times. Of these, the most widely known is Sao, which arose in the vicinity of Lake Chad, probably in the 5th century ce. There, they developed their cattle grazing, iron-making, horse riding, and fighting skills. The earliest inhabitants of Cameroon were probably the Baka ().They still inhabit the forests of the south and east provinces. Archeological evidences testify habitation of Pygmy Baka hunter- gatherers around Lake Chad around A.D. 500. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. The Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon was adopted on the 20th May 1972 by the Assembly and later amended in 1982. Culturally diverse and blessed with powerful connections, there are so many fun facts about this nation - some we have chosen to … In 1472 the Portuguese explorer Fernão do Pó was the first European to view the Cameroon coast, although Hanno, a Carthaginian, may have sailed there 2,000 years earlier. world Touriam According to the oral and documented history of the Tikar people, they originated in present-day Sudan. In 1946, the mandates were converted into United Nations Trusteeships and self-government was granted to Cameroon. At some point in time, the ancestors of the Tikar moved from the Sudan to the Adamawa Northern Region of present-day Cameroon. The American Presbyterian mission opened a station in 1871. ( Log Out /  Finally, on 1st January 1960 French Cameroon gained Independence to become the Cameroon Republic and was joined by Southern parts of British Cameroons in 1961. Islam became a powerful force in the northern and central portions of the country through conquest, immigration, and the spread of commerce from north and northwestern Africa. 13. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Cameroon has a multi-ethnic population. The most significant bearers of this faith, the Fulani, entered northern Cameroon in the 18th century. During and after the Bantu invasion, the Pygmies were gradually replaced and absorbed by the Bantu tribes. The pygmies were gradually replaced and absorbed by Bantu tribes. Of these, the most widely known is Sao, which arose in the vicinity of Lake Chad, probably in the 5th century ce. Ancient History - The Neolithic Age Archeological evidences testify habitation of Pygmy Baka hunter- gatherers around Lake Chad around A.D. 500. 6:41 AM It is believed that when the ancestors of the Tikar were in the Sudan, they lived along the Nile River. Cameroon is a Central African country and sometimes mistaken for a West African country because of its position on the map. The independence Struggle of Cameroon saw bloody insurrections which were suppressed with the help of French Forces. Cameroon had been inhabited by Pygmy groups since the Neolithic Age. Finally, in line with an international court ruling, Nigeria withdrew troops in 2006, awarding sovereignty to Cameroon. Led by Moido Adama, in the early 19th Century, Fulani soldiers on a Jihad in the North against Kirdis (Non-islamic people) led to the establishment of the Adamawa Emirate in some parts of the country. Ethnicity, Language, And Religion. The second group – ancestors of the Fulani – arrived in the Sudan from Egypt and Ethiopia. The Copper coloured races. The first group comprised of iron-makers/blacksmiths and carpenters in the Meroe Kindgom; this group (ancestors of the Mende people) later left the Sudan and moved west towards Lake Chad. They settled in a village they named Ngambe (present-day Bankim District) where they intermarried with selected grassland farmers and animal herders. Routes linked these ports far inland where the Bamileke, Bamoum, and other kingdoms provided a greater supply of slaves. Facts About Cameroonian Culture, Geography, and History. Kotoko was incorporated into the Bornu empire during the reign of Rābiḥ al-Zubayr (Rabah) in the late 19th century, and its people became Muslims. Gradually chiefdoms, kingdoms and fondoms emerged including those of Bamileke, Bamum and Tikar. Cameroon flag attempts to capture Cameroon culture. Cameroon and Nigeria engaged in a war over the disputed Bakassi Peninsula, rich in oil. Later it came under German, French and British colonial rule. These cattle and goat herders moved west to Lake Chad near present-day Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria before traveling across West Africa. Saker established a larger post at Victoria (now Limbe) in 1858. Learn more about the history of Cameroon flag and the meaning of Cameroon Flag. The Sao Culture gradually gave way to the Kanem-Bornu Empire. ( Log Out /  These cattle and goat herders moved west to Lake Chad near present-day Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria before traveling across West Africa. The original inhabitants of America. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to come in contact with Cameroon. The first small groups of pastoralists were welcomed by the host populations. British Cameroons (1916–61) and French Cameroun (1916–60). Cameroon, Converted into Blogger Templates by Theme Craft. The country hosts a population of 25 million individuals. Cameroon Flag. Cameroon is located in West-Central Africa where it occupies a total area of 475,442 square km. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. They eventually traveled to the Mali Empire, and along with the town Fulani and Mande, founded the Kingdom of Mani. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Islam was a significant influence entering Cameroon from the north. This kingdom reached its height from the 9th to the 15th century, after which it was conquered and destroyed by the Kotoko state, which extended over large portions of northern Cameroon and Nigeria. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In the early 1800s the slave trade declined, and attention turned to trade in rubber, palm oil, and other items. Dancing is a huge part of Cameroonian culture. Posted by History of Central African Republic Africa Culture, Italian tradition meets New World culture, History of British Virgin Islands Culture, History of British Indian Ocean Territory Culture, History of Bosnia and Herzegovina Culture. Earlier Portuguese and Dutch influences were largely replaced by the British and the Germans. The second group – ancestors of the Fulani – arrived in the Sudan from Egypt and Ethiopia. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The flag of Cameroon consists of three equally spaced vertical bands of Green, Red and Yellow with a five point star in the center. After The United Nations Trusteeship in 1946, Independence became a burning issue raised by various political parties lead by the Union des Populations du Cameroun. Under the leadership of Englishman Alfred Saker and West Indians such as Joseph Merrick, a Baptist station was established in 1845 at Akwa Town (now Douala). Palace of the Bamum kings, Foumban, Camer. From archaeological evidence it is known that humans have inhabited Cameroon for at least 50,000 years, and there is strong evidence of the existence of important kingdoms and states in more recent times. It is believed that when they inhabited Sudan, they lived adjacent to two groups. HISTORY OF OUR TOWN The population of our city, Douala, is close to 3,ooo,ooo. An abundance of prawns and crayfish, noticed in the Wouri River, made them christen the land as Rio dos Camarões (River of Prawns) which later rendred the country its present day identity. Cameroon became a significant source of slaves, a number of whom were sold and traded at Bimbia, Douala, and other ports. There are choreographed dances to accompany all the festivals, ceremonies and gatherings, ranging from entertainment only to religious rituals. Conclusion Cameroon culture originates from these diverse groups. Douala is not an ancient city. In spite of colonization and varied cultural influences, Cameroon boasts of its ancient tribal music and art forms till date. The Portuguese were the first to reach the coasts of Cameroon in 1472. With the Germans emerging as a major power in Europe, Germany established the first permanent colonial settlement in Cameroon in 1884. Cameroon has a rich and diverse culture made up of a mix of about 250 indigenous populations and just as many languages and customs. One of the core parts of Cameroonian culture is music and dance. Change ). The Fulani conquest was brief and did not result in Islamization, although this faith was accepted by a later ruler, Sultan Njoya, in the early 20th century. Early history. Bantu speakers originating in the Cameroonian highlands were among the first groups to move out before other invaders.. European trade interests became more regular over the next few centuries, while Christian Missionaries established and extended their operations to the inlands. Bamoum was one of the largest of numerous kingdoms that emerged in the grassland areas of Cameroon at that time. Ham & Shem Egyptians Hebrews & Arabs in The land of the blacks Bilad al Sudan, THE HEBREW ISRAELITES AND THE TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE CONNECTION, The History of Ouidah aka Juda, Judea Judah Whydah, Ancient Kemet and Ancient Africa Concepts and key dates, The Pagan Origin Of The Word “AMEN” (True or false???). DISCOVER CAMEROON CULTURE AND RYTHM PRESENTATION LOCAL HISTORY AND CULTURE SOME ASPECTS OF CAMEROON CULTURE. In the early 1800s Modibbo Adama was appointed by Usman to lead a jihad over large areas centred in northern Nigeria, which were subsequently incorporated into Usman’s Sokoto empire. The Fulani expansion reached its southernmost point with the conquest of Bamum, a kingdom founded in the 17th century by Nshare, the son of a Tikar chief. The country is nicknamed "Little Africa" as geographically, Cameroon consists of coastline, mountains, grass plains, forest, rainforest and desert, all of the geographical regions in Africa in one country.

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