The Perseid meteor shower in Ontario will reach its peak visibility for 2020 on the nights of August 11-12 and you’re not going to want to miss this galactic light show. Watch the Perseids meteor shower with the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers at the Binbrook Conservation Area from 8 to 11pm on Friday August 12. Click and drag to explore other parts of the sky. The meteor shower usually occurs from Oct. 2 through Nov. 7, with a peak between Oct. 20 and 24. #toronto #highpark ... Scarborough Bluffs. Find viewing tips for the two “biggies” here: the Perseid Meteor Shower and the Geminid Meteor Shower. In 2020, the peak will occur after midnight on Oct. 21, though you’ll still see plenty of … The annual Perseid meteor shower occurs every year when the … On December 13 and 14, Toronto can view one of the year's best celestial shows - the Geminids meteor shower - treating observers to as many as 120 meteors each hour. That’s why we’ve created the ultimate guide to watching the meteor shower in and around the GTA! 2020 Meteor Showers Calendar. I went there late in the evening and just for a bit, but already fell in love with it Superb! What an amazing park. High Park. Toronto-area stargazers have a chance to see one of the brightest meteor showers in recent years, if the clouds clear. Note that the meteor shower dates do not change much from year to year, though the peak of a shower may vary by a day or two. 7 places to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower near Toronto this weekend. Where: 5050 Harrison Rd, Hamilton This event is free. Millennium Square. Binbrook Conservation Area. New Meteor Shower Interactive Sky Map . Between sunset and midnight on … The Interactive Meteor Shower Sky Map shows the position of the radiant in the night sky above any location. Admission is free, bring the family, along with a blanket and lounge chairs. See meteor shower animation to find out visibility conditions for viewing the meteor shower from your location. Experts also say the Perseid meteor shower will peak between 9 a.m. and noon on Wednesday, August 12, and that the premium time to watch, regardless of where you are in Canada, is in the predawn hours on Wednesday.
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