“Diversity is hugely important and is really making its mark in the cinema industry and Black Panther was a big wake up call to everybody. 2020-10-20T11:47:00ZBrought to you by GatesAir. Nel 2009 ha preso parte a Inkheart - La leggenda di cuore d'inchiostro, tratto dal romanzo Cuore d'inchiostro di Cornelia Funke, interpretando il ruolo di Capricorno, l'antagonista della storia. The English actor Andy Serkis has been featured in various films, television series, and video games. Inoltre viene assunto dai Marvel Studios per essere il consulente di Mark Ruffalo e di James Spader per le loro interpretazioni rispettivamente di Hulk e di Ultron nel film Avengers: Age of Ultron: nello stesso film Serkis interpreta il mercenario Ulysses Klaue[11]. Pushing the boundaries with storytelling and characters emotionally engaging with the video world is at the core of the star’s ambitions. But what impact will this crisis have on broadcasters and OTTs? .mw-parser-output .chiarimento{background:#ffeaea;color:#444444}.mw-parser-output .chiarimento-apice{color:red}Dal luglio 2002 è sposato con l'attrice Lorraine Ashbourne da cui ha avuto tre figli: Ruby (1998), Sonny (2000) e Louis (2004). Vivendi and Mediaset: the end of hostilities? Sempre sotto la guida del regista Peter Jackson ha donato le sue movenze al personaggio di King Kong nel remake del 2005[5], nel quale interpreta anche il ruolo "in carne ed ossa" dell'eccentrico cuoco Lumpy. BBC Research and Development has published a white paper, Object-Based Media - An Overview Of The User Experience, to coincide with IBC2020. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 6 ott 2020 alle 06:41. La coppia vive a, Andy Serkis's interview at Den of Geek website, Andy Serkis Grabs a Banana and Becomes King of 'Planet of the Apes', Gollum Actor Andy Serkis to Serve as Second Unit Director on 'The Hobbit' (Exclusive), Hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/mowgli-trailer-andy-serkis-takes-viewers-back-jungle-book, Inkheart - La leggenda di cuore d'inchiostro, Lo Hobbit - La battaglia delle cinque armate, Apes Revolution - Il pianeta delle scimmie, Il Signore degli Anelli - La Compagnia dell'Anello, Il Signore degli Anelli - Il ritorno del re, Le avventure di Tintin - Il segreto dell'Unicorno, Il Signore degli Anelli: Il ritorno del re, Il Signore degli Anelli: La battaglia per la Terra di Mezzo, Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie, Il Signore degli Anelli: La battaglia per la Terra di Mezzo 2: L'ascesa del Re stregone, Quotes from the 2003 MTV Movie Awards - Internet Movie Database, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel conferma che Andy Serkis sarà Ulysses Klaw, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Andy_Serkis&oldid=115896139, Empire Award per il migliore attore britannico, Voci biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Excited and ready for the next challenge, he said: “It was the end of typecasting as we know and it really does mean any actor can play anything using the most incredible 21st century tool for an actor.”. However, it was his portrayal of Gollum in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy where he started his journey with technology to transform the human form and “spawned this desire to push further and further with as many characters as I could.”, Serkis, who is being honoured with IBC’s International Honour for Excellence, described the first time he stood as Gollum in motion capture technology as “mind blowing” when the 3D shaded model brought “all forms of expression together and totally inhabiting something that is completely other.”. Addressing the topic of diversity, disability and opportunities, he said: “I have always maintained the greatest thing about this technology is playing any character regardless of sex, colour, race or gender. IBC is run by the industry, for the industry. La voce che Serkis ha deciso di usare per il suo personaggio, infine, è stata basata, per stessa ammissione dell'attore, su alcuni suoni dei suoi gatti. In the years that followed, he co-founded the Imaginarium which is a laboratory-come-studio dedicated to the art and craft of next generation of storytelling, exploring VR, AR and performance capture. Six leading international bodies own IBC, representing both exhibitors and visitors. Andy Serkis portrayed Ulysses Klaue in the Marvel Cinematic Universe productions Avengers: Age of Ultron and Black Panther. Nel 2012 torna nei panni di Gollum/Sméagol ne Lo Hobbit - Un viaggio inaspettato. He added: “What is so incredible is that they can be manifested in countless ways on countless platforms and in 20 years’ time there could be a different vision of the characters. Di origine armena da parte del padre, è diventato celebre grazie alla sua interpretazione del personaggio di Gollum/Sméagol nella trilogia cinematografica de Il Signore degli Anelli; Serkis, infatti, ha interpretato il personaggio nella versione originale inglese dei tre film, tramite l'allora inedita tecnologia a Motion capture. He said: “I happened to step into a world that was changing and VFX was about to come linked to performances in a way it had not been done before. In … “We built a company which was creative and driven on the fly, empowering creative characters exploring their potential, we then worked on big budget movies including Godzilla and Avengers.”. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 2020-10-20T13:12:00ZBrought to you by DHD.audio. This “might enable an audience to wander around in a performance.”. It was the beginning of an extraordinary journey where Serkis developed “an intimate relationship using technology” and gained a deeper understanding of motion capture, facial recognition technology and recapturing for advanced production techniques. Successivamente interpreta "Cesare" nel film L'alba del pianeta delle scimmie, reboot della serie cinematografica tratta dal romanzo del 1963 Il pianeta delle scimmie, di Pierre Boulle.[8]. Is the film industry turning on to artificial intelligence? Serkis on Gollum: “I happened to step into a world that was changing and VFX was about to come linked to performances in a way it had not been done before”. Andy Serkis will also portray Alfred Pennyorth in the DC Entertainment production The Batman. Serkis is famed for his influence on the art of motion capture in appearances such as Caesar in Planet of the Apes and Supreme Leader Snoke in the new Star Wars films. Nel 2006 interpreta Alley nel film The Prestige.
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