You can use any of the techniques that I show you and you’re more then welcome to show your process with all of the line patterns that you create along the way. Then I take the size of my art board, the length of my art board, 1000 pixels divided by the amount of zigzags that your line has. If you don't want to miss my future classes or just like my teaching style in general, hit the follow button by my name here below, and if you have any questions at all, please ask them on the community page, and feel free to leave a review to let me know if you enjoy this class. Then we will duplicate our original layer. This is just to save us from complications later on that might happen if you continue to work in the PDF from Adobe Fresco. So I will create three different types of lines so that you easily can see how these different techniques vary. Use the Selection tool, hold down the touch shortcut, and drag down your lines so that they align in the bottom, something like that. This is just a matter of preference, but I usually have the same size of the pattern tile as I have on my art board. So in this lesson, I will show you how to create wonky lines with three different techniques in Illustrator. Then you create a square that is 1000 pixels. Then we do exactly as we did with our straight lines. You can also, if you're used to working with a grid, match up the edges of your line. The zigzag pattern is a little bit more complicated to get to tile on the edges. Hit option and the arrow key to create a duplicate of your first line. We will start with the exact same technique. Hit "Command K" and I will type in five pixels in the keyboard increments. The Basics - Straight Lines: Let's get started. Now we have one line, the start line of our pattern and what we will do is to create a line that is the repeat from this one over here. Then pause shortly at the end of a stroke and it will straighten and allow you to pull out a straight line from there. There is a way to draw straight lines in Fresco. If you want a wonky straight line, you can just use the pressure dynamics to create the wonkyness. Now we got our line and there we go again to object expand, makes sure all other boxes are selected and hit Okay. I will just air drop the PDF to myself. Then we take our line, rotate this, I will hold down Shift to get it to 45 degrees and then I want to make sure that the center point of my line is at the zero point of my art board. Now we have our wonky lines repeated at the top and the bottom of your tile. Use the vector round brush again, and fill in the little blanks. So now you've got all of your orange lines a little bit wonky. It looks a little bit crazy as I've mixed so many techniques, but this was just as an example to show you how you can create much more beautiful wonky lines. As all of our objects are orange, we can just select all and then hit "Unite. " Let's just call them wonky lines. As I will share my work digital, I go for RGB color mode, and a 300 PPI for high resolution. In this lesson, you will learn how to create the wonky line repeats, all in Illustrator. Thanks again for watching and have fun creating. An indicator shows the length of the line in pixels. Using the ruler while creating a mask for your artwork can provide interesting possibilities. Next, we can copy all of our objects just as we did in the previous lessons. With the line selected, I will send them to the art board, and then select everything again, and drag in the pattern to the swatches panel. Now it will be much easier for us to see if our lines will match up. Maybe you’ve struggled preciously with it or you’re completely new to it all. Now, you can just fix the details so that we have a nice smooth look to our wave lines. I am missing them. I don't really mind those squares that much. You can see that we have already got a line repeat. Drag them in the swatches panel, make a square, and fill it with your pattern to see if it tiles up. Next step is to unite both of these lines so that we don't have this glitch here between the lines. Now we have one line that is repeated in our pattern tile and what we want to do is to place lines in between. Legal Notices It doesn't really delete it. Learn how to use the ruler in Adobe Fresco to draw straight lines. I'm going to say mine as JPEG 100. Line patterns can be so tricky to get right, especially the wonky ones. We’ll then use these basics techniques to create our final wonky lines repeat. Make sure you have all of these boxes, Object, Fill and Stroke selected. Then, we will use the blob brush tool and go in and fix the edges. So first, group all of your objects together, command G. Place them at the center of your art board. As you can see, we have one line that has been duplicated and moved a third of our art board to the right. Now we know how to create the basic lines repeat, this one and diagonal lines repeat pattern. Then we will select the vector round brush. I will just go in and open up another one of my color palettes. What we do is to go to Effect, Distort and Transform and then zigzag. How do you do that? If you want any specific feedback, just let me know and I can give you some tips and tricks. And to do this, the simplest possible way, we will start with creating a basic line repeat pattern that we will use as a guide. We start with going to the Pattern Tool, Object, Pattern and Make. Agree! Then we will increase the size of our art board to 1,500 pixels. Hit "OK." Then, hit the "Option" key and arrow down. There I think that looks so much better. Copyright © 2020 Adobe. Now we have learned how to create the four basic line repeat patterns. Get the Straight edge tool on canvas. The technique is exactly the same as with straight lines. If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate in Adobe Fresco Community. Go to view preview again, and let's just delete our background layer as well. So I will just select all objects, hit my option key and arrow up, and once again, option key and arrow down. The Basics - Waves: To make a wave, pattern is actually much easier because it will tile perfectly from the start. All you need is to turn on the Snapline setting and hold at the end of your stroke to turn it into a straight line. Once again, duplicate layer. Make sure that your square on the back has no fill, no stroke. We will fix that in Illustrator later. Here you have your pattern tile. Next step is to duplicate this line and move it horizontally with the distance that you typed in in your keyboard increment settings. As I mentioned before, the edges, the top and the bottom, there doesn't need to be perfectly tiled. After this, we select all, and drag our pattern into the swatches panel. Diagonal lines that are even distributed along your art board and pattern tile. Now, you have all of your lines evenly distributed along your art board. Go to Object, Pattern and Make, just hit Okay. Wonky Lines - Draw in Illustrator: It's time for the wonky line repeats. 8. I would love to see what you create! As you can see when I have all objects selected, that they are not united. It's maybe something like this. Wonky Lines - Make the Repeat: Let's open up our PDF in Illustrator.
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