Pagkakaiba ng pagsulat ng ulat at sulating pananaliksik? No proposition to abolish it ever was made in the Legislature thereafter. They have sought to abolish any constitutional protection for privacy and, most of all, to eliminate constitutional protections for abortions. Abolish definition, to do away with; put an end to; annul; make void: to abolish slavery. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Amend the criminal code so as to abolish prison sentences for press offences. to put an end to. The mischief done by privateering, which the great Powers of Europe have agreed to abolish, is as nothing compared with the wholesale suffering which the blockade now being enforced by the. Accessed 21 Oct. 2020. – Become a word maestro. Slavery was finally abolished in the United States in the nineteenth century. Hudak has announced he will abolish the Ontario Human Rights Commission, while Hillier has alternatively said he will "abolish" or "reform or abolish" the OHRC. Or something like that. 5. n00b:Oh no! Meanwhile, some lawmakers are seeking to abolish the program altogether. verb. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? On the question whether on merits it would be desirable to, 28. Unfortunately, the values and ideals were also created by those badly behaved Europeans in conditions that the European Union is now desperate to abolish, that is small and medium-sized, competing political entities. The death penalty was abolished in this country about 50 years ago. Monckton does a good job in showing the unreliability of many of the UN figures, explaining how it managed to "abolish" the Mediaeval Warm Period and produce the infamous ice hockey stick graph, since then disproved by just about every reliable scientist. Let's be consistent, if the republicans don't want national healthcare, they should try to abolish Medicare as well. In many elections leaders had promised to "abolish" the presidency not to extend the term limits, the newspaper quoted a reader as saying. The death penalty was abolished in this country about 50 years ago. Long after the ringleader of the gang who kidnapped and murdered her daughter was put to death, her heart is still full of hatred, so much so that she has threatened to mobilize voters to "abolish" the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT). Words that often come after abolish in sentences. 4. CM 246362 We must abolish the death penalty. Having already limited local taxation, why not go the whole hog and, 22. Although the British goverment unexpectedly abolished the UFO research institutions, but this can not "abolish" the emergence of UFO incidents. A proposal is currently going through the Catalan parliament which, if and when it is finally approved this summer, will abolish the corrida once and for all in the region. Far more successful was the movement to abolish prostitution entirely. Here are some examples. If so, I move to insert in his proposition after the word "abolish" the words "or impair.". If the primary object of penal reformers is not to, 29. Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi is set to ask the United Nations to 'abolish' Switzerland and share the land among its neighbouring countries. A little over a week after taking office, Salazar traveled to the agency's Lakewood, Colo., office to launch an Interior Department ethics program, complete with a new employee code of conduct, and he moved quickly to abolish a controversial royalty-in-kind program that allowed energy companies to avoid paying billions in federal revenue. Many teachers wish to abolish the cane. If so, I move to insert in his proposition after the word "abolish" the words "or impair.". Hitting children as punishment for bad behavior was abolished in schools when I was a child. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. TD: I was recently confronted by a skeptical nuclear scientist at a lecture at Stanford University who asked me this question; he instead proposed, why abolish all 23,000? 22 examples: However, rural reform has not abolished such ruralism but replaced it with its… You cannot "abolish" money without eliminating the necessity of symmetric exchange. The apartheid system of South Africa wasn’t completely abolished until the early 1990s. Rose said: "My recommended areas of learning will not 'abolish' subjects such as history or geography. The head of MI5 is right to warn that we cannot "abolish". Salazar called the latest report "deeply disturbing" and said it highlights the need for changes he has proposed, including a plan to abolish the minerals agency and replace it with three new entities. In May 1998, certain limits on foreign investment in Korean equities were abolished. The Word "Abolish" in Example Sentences Page 1. He was referring to the Volker Rule which would force the banks to abolish big risk taking, investing in hedge funds, private equity and derivatives from traditional banking. Monckton does a good job in showing the unreliability of many of the UN figures, explaining how it managed to "abolish" the Mediaeval Warm Period and produce the infamous ice hockey stick graph, since then disproved by just about every reliable scientist. “Abolish.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Another word for abolish. Concentrate to find all hidden words in given letters and connect them anyway you like to catch the word! 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Learn a new word every day. But the fair tax also fits into Mr. Huckabee's populist pitch as a way to "abolish" the hated IRS. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? And the Patriots did "abolish" English rule here, leading to the creation of the United States. And here, perhaps, we may be pardoned for the digression necessary to show the exact definition of the terms abolish, abolition and abolitionist. Words that often come before abolish in sentences. CK 1 1095778 Tom believes that the death penalty should be abolished. In many elections leaders had promised to "abolish" the presidency not to extend the term limits, the newspaper quoted a reader as saying. The Congress is, of course, going to abolish their own health care plan and enroll themselves in the new plan, right? I also don't think they will actually abolish is simply because men would have to be paying child support for kids they wouldn't want to have, so I am pretty sure men would not go for it. Cieslewicz, who proposed the increase to $2 for a basic cash fare, recently told City Council members that he'd "abolish" the TPC or not reappoint members if the commission doesn't follow the council's wishes on an increase. After the death of Asbury, the Methodists in 1816 adopted a report that admitted they were powerless to, 30. But Cameron has repeated this commitment to "abolish" the HRA several times since. The following year Parliament voted to. slavery; serfdom; monarchy; abolition; penalty; punishment; tariffs; emancipation; slave; conscription; Alternate Definitions. 2. What is the time signature of the song Atin Cu Pung Singsing? To end a law, system, institution, custom or practice. Parliament voted to abolish slavery in Britain in 1807 and then in the West Indies in the 1830s. But why not abolish the detestable thing altogether? At the same time it amended the republic's constitution to, 25. Definition of Abolish. The government has passed a law abolishing prayer in public schools. An example of a simple sentence would be: The Union states wanted to abolish slavery while the Confederate states favored slavery, thus, starting The Civil War. 8. Some MPs want to abolish the tax altogether. You’ll enjoy this brain training game and test your spelling as well. Keep scrolling for more. Paul also opposes farm subsidies; wants to abolish the Fed, the original act that founded it, and the currency-reserve system; wants to abolish the departments of education, energy, and commerce; opposes U.S. involvement in the United Nations; opposes the Patriot Act; wants to vastly reduce Pentagon spending; is strictly anti-abortion; and favors legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. The politician filibustered to abolish the unjust law. CK 60303 This evil custom must be abolished. For example: "abolish the" or "abolish it" the; it; slavery; all; them; or; this. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to 'abolish' carbon usage and sees a direct comparison to the end of slavery. use Abolish in a sentence. All Rights Reserved. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to 'abolish' carbon usage and sees a direct comparison to the end of slavery. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. The abolition of Prohibition in the United States brought an end to the era of the gangsters. You may have an easier time writing sentences with abolish if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? He argued that it was not practical politics to, 23. : to end the observance or effect of (something, such as a law) : to completely do away with (something) : annul abolish a law abolish slavery. The government ought to abolish – Use hints whenever you need them; The government has passed a law abolishing prayer in public schools. For example: "abolish the" or "abolish it". – Swipe the letters in all six directions around the hex block; 3. 3. 6. Abraham Lincoln used his term as the 16th President of the United States to win the Civil War and abolish slavery. Hitting children as punishment for bad behavior was abolished in schools when I was a child. Examples of abolish in a sentence, how to use it. my whole team just got owned and the last guy got some ritual done to him while he was on the ground! And Obama did not "abolish" waterboarding or other methods. See more. The apartheid system of South Africa wasn’t completely abolished until the early 1990s. I also don't think they will actually abolish is simply because men would have to be paying child support for kids they wouldn't want to have, so I am pretty sure men would not go for it. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. To abrogate, annul, cancel, eliminate, put an end to, recall, repeal, or revoke, especially things of a seemingly permanent nature, such as customs, institutions, and usages. Regular definitions added and latest articles, Copyright © 2010 - 2020 by AZdictionary. Other Words from abolish Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about abolish. Sentence Examples. Delivered to your inbox! These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'abolish.' so he got abolished. Certain member states of the European Union have abolished border controls between countries to create a single, external frontier. Many historians point out that Abraham Lincoln did not abolish slavery out … Russia announced a moratorium on capital punishment when it joined the Council of Europe in 1996 and pledged to abolish it, but hasn't done so. Ano ang Imahinasyong guhit na naghahati sa daigdig sa magkaibang araw? What made you want to look up abolish? Ano ang mga kasabihan sa sa aking kababata? In interviews, many have never heard of the federal fair-housing rule encouraging integration that the president has often cited by name in arguing that Joe Biden would, Moreover, Black Lives Matter — the group most closely identified with the George Floyd protests, the 1619 riots, and the movement to, Five groups that lobbied on state Senate Bill 296, a bipartisan measure that would, Even then, Cohen said, Democrats will have to navigate internal party fights, almost certainly including whether to, Some anarchists, for instance, define themselves as anarcho-communists, who want to, Floyd's death ignited calls to defund and, Post the Definition of abolish to Facebook, Share the Definition of abolish on Twitter, 'Cordial': A Word Straight from the Heart. abolish the conscription, and many of the soldiers, taking them at their word, disbanded. In the mutual resolution reference is made to laws »which cannot be altered by one of the parties», the word 'abolish' does not occur. It will be seen that the Act of 1899 does not undertake to "abolish" the School Board of Education.

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