Covered with many small cerata, this species varies in color depending on which sea anemone it primarily feeds. The Phyllodesmium Magnum is a type of aeolid nudibranch that uses its cerata (the spikes on its back) as a way of breathing, digesting and defence. Much more exciting than say, a sea cucumber, these colorful little guys are sometimes called "sea slugs" - though the name hardly does justice to their beauty, and most sea slugs aren't actually related to nudibranchs. Their distinguishing feature includes brightly coloured stubby cerata, covering their bodies. Learn how your comment data is processed. One of the strangest features of this particular species, is its unique nudibranch diet! When I was first learning about sea slugs I would look for colours and shape in order to identify species. The Flabellinopsis Iodinea, or Spanish Shawl is one of the most eye-catching types of nudibranch! Of four group types, two main types are used, one is called ‘dorid’ nudibranchs and the other are called ‘eolid’ nudibranchs. The Cyerce Elegans lives up to its name, as it is surely one of the most ethereal and strangest types of nudibranch! The Janolus sp. Nudibranch, any of the marine gastropods that constitute the order Nudibranchia (subclass Opisthobranchia of the class Gastropoda). These soft-bodied marine gastropod mollusks display some of the most unique shapes and colors in the sea. By storing up sting cells from the jellies they ingest, the Blue Dragon uses these to protect themselves from predators! Dance-offs are a way of attracting a mate, although Hexabranchus also move along the bottom of the reef like other types of nudibranch too. Darling, it's better down where it's wetter. This page provides links to more detailed pages on individual nudibranchs that are found in 25 ft or less (7.5 metres) of water. Best snorkeling in the world: Top 10 destinations. Their main predator is a Navanax, a large species of sea slug which is technically not a type of nudibranch, despite the fact that they really do resemble one. The tiny Leaf Sheep is found in the waters surrounding Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines and can grown up to 5mm in length. Although their soft bodies look fun to touch, Blue Dragons are potentially dangerous. victoria secret model who dated charlie sheen. Their translucent, almost pillow-like texture makes them tricky to photograph, especially as they are known to move around a lot. Nudibranch are often regarded as an underwater photographers favourite. When the Janolus is about to be attacked, they roll themselves into a ball like a hedgehog, displaying their spiky cerata by way of protection. True to its name, Aeolidia papillosa goes by ‘shaggy mouse’ or ‘shag carpet’ and is a shaggy nudibranch indeed. These soft-bodied marine gastropod mollusks display some of the most unique shapes and colors in the sea. Internally, you will see white polka dots and opalescent hues of green and blue. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Reported to feed on various bryozoans. Their cute rhinophores are used to smell out food. There are more than 2,000 known species of nudibranch, and new ones are being identified almost daily. They actually spend the majority of their time hanging out upside down on the surface of the water. These decadent shell-less mollusks are found in textures, shapes and colours that you never knew existed. This list features the most gorgeous nudibranchs types in the ocean. They’re already classed as one of the oceans most bizarre critters, but have you ever wondered what the strangest types of nudibranch look like? They are almost entirely restricted to salt water, although a few species are known to inhabit lower salinities in brackish water. They are mostly found in a red colour, however yellow and sometimes patterned versions have been spotted but these are rare. Divers and snorkelers seek out specific nudi’s such as the Pikachu, to add to their portfolio. The Cyerce Elegans can be found mostly in the Indo-Pacific and Hawaii. Their ornate markings are characterised by an eye-catching orange pattern, dotted with sweet rounded bumps, giving this unusual nudibranch its distinctive, jelly like texture. What an incredible little critter! However, the Magnums cerata are more than multi-functional, since they also act as solar panels! This nudibranchs diet consists of a species of hydroid, that contains a pigment called astaxanthin which is what makes them so vibrant! The nudibranch genus Thecacera pacifica, is also compared to a certain cartoon character, but can you guess who? Only one of the most colorful sea creatures in the earth's vast oceans. Nudibranchs possess a radular feeding organ, but they characteristically lack a shell, gills, and mantle cavity typical of … Nudibranchs (Opisthobranchs) (Oregon to Southeast Alaska) Click on the name of the Order to view the species within that category. Only one of the most colorful sea creatures in the earth's vast oceans. The typical habitat of a Spanish Shawl is the shallow waters of the Pacific Ocean. It may be everyone else’s favorite too, but can you blame us for being enamored with Hexabranchus sanguineus, commonly known as the Spanish dancer? Performances are usually after hours, so if you wish to see them in action its better to seek them out on a night dive. Meet the Glaucus Atlanticus, one of the worlds rarest and strangest types of nudibranch! Much like other types of nudibranchs, the Okenia Rosacea has both male and female reproductive organs meaning that they are able to mate with any other Okenia. What's a nudibranch, you ask? Nudibranchs vary in size from less than an inch to as long as almost two feet. The shaggy mouse can actually disarm its prey anemones by excreting a different mucus composition that prevents the anemone from discharging its defense nematocysts. Much like the Spanish Dancer, this nudi’s nickname is also inspired by dancing, as they are able to ‘swim’ and sway their bodies from side to side, while showcasing their impressive mane! Nudibranchs are also hermaphroditic, but they cannot fertilize themselves, and they lay their eggs within a gelatinous spiral. Different types of Nudibranchs To date, more than 3,000 species of nudibranchs have being discovered and more are getting identified everyday. Janolus are found worldwide, mostly in warm, shallow waters in Europe, Africa, Australia and Japan. Unlike most types of nudibranch, the pelagic Blue Dragon won’t be found dwelling on the sea bed in a usual nudibranch habitat. A diverse group of creatures, nudibranchs (NOO-di-branks) have a habitable range that spans everything from the tropics to Antarctica. This impressive sea slug is often referred to as a ‘Blue Dragon’ due to its mythical looks. While there’s no way we could possibly present all the known nudibranchs to you in a single post, we have no problem gushing about five of our favorites right here, right now! This nudibranch is also referred to as a clown nudibranch and is one of the most common nudibranch species encountered when diving rocky reefs. Nudibranchs are also hermaphroditic, but they cannot fertilize themselves, and they lay their eggs within a gelatinous spiral. There are more than 3,000 species of nudibranchs known to science, with more continuously being discovered as our scope of the ocean environment expands. In Latin, nudibranch means "naked gills," an appropriate name as many nudibranchs breathe through an actual naked gill, located on its back.

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